
  • All Tea Products

    Carefully selected high-quality Taiwanese tea leaves, paired with exquisite tin canisters and... 

  • Black Tea

    Fully fermented tea should have a dark, oily appearance with purple light,... 

  • Decaf Tea

    Caffeine-free tea brings a warm and considerate feeling of comfort, with a... 

  • Dish

    Ceramic bowls and plates possess a rustic beauty and a smooth, warm... 

  • Glass

    Glass cups are widely appreciated for their transparent material and elegant appearance.... 

  • Green Tea

    The non-fermented tea has a fresh green appearance, lots of white hairs... 

  • Incense stand

    Ceramic incense holders are small utensils used to hold incense burners or... 

  • KAKU Selection

    The exquisite craftsmanship and cultural heritage can be felt in the details... 

  • Loose Tea Tin can

    Carefully selected Taiwanese tea leaves, perfectly preserved in canisters and fully vacuum-sealed... 

  • Mug

    A mug is a common type of daily-use cup, typically made of... 

  • Oolong Tea

    This lightly fermented tea has a dark green and oily color, a... 

  • Planter

    Ceramic pots can be used for planting flowers and plants or decorating... 

  • Pyramid Teabags

    Carefully selects Taiwan's top tea leaves and uses a full vacuum lock... 

  • Sculpture

    Ceramic sculptures are artworks created from clay and fired to achieve a... 

  • Taiwan Teadrink

    The high-quality tea bottle specially designed for the event uses low-temperature and... 

  • Tea cup

    Small teacups are typically used for drinking tea, especially when savoring gongfu... 

  • Tea Flavor Cheesecake

    KAKU's signature raw cheese cake, French Norman region cheese, French fresh cream,... 

  • Teagift

    Carefully selected local Taiwanese tea, tea bags, and tea canister gift sets.... 

  • Teaware

    Tea utensils are the essential tools used in the practice of the... 

  • 好人製陶 Goodman Ceramics

    一捧泥土,承載天地恩賜;一雙巧手,匠塑萬物法相。好人製陶以平靜的心,順應自然,讓陶土於火中淬鍊,每一只陶器皆蘊藏著造物者的心念,透過設計、捏塑、施釉,讓每一件作品皆得其因緣,成就獨一無二的存在。 繁忙世間留一份靜心,品味當下,安住於此刻,感受生活的自在與圓滿。 

  • 茶碗
